Today I learnt a very valuable lesson in not only matching the hatch but also matching its size !!
I needed some space and air time so what better than a few hours on a stillwater with your nymph and dry fly box and a packet of cigars !! A Derbyshire County Angling Club water not too far from me (15 minutes) which can either fish its socks off or be absolutely dead.
Arriving at the car park I saw a half dozen cars parked up, usually a good sign of its fishing well as the word gets around quickly.
Not feeling particularly social I made my way to secluded spot which usually produces a few fish. Lots of movement and a couple of fish jumping but nothing but 1 follow and a slight pull which may have been bottom!!
Having left my matches in the car and fancying a cigar ( Me the most anti smoking person for 35 years!!) I made my way back to the car.
I spotted lots of fish moving only about 6 feet from the bank and masses of midges hatching off, a total buzzerfest for the rainbows. Tried a size 14 & 16 olive buzzer but not interested...size 18 ??, so on with a size 22 hares ear on the point and a size 22 on the dropper. This was the smallest thing in my nymph box and bingo. Several takes and misses later fish on !! Having stepped down my leader to 3lb, the smashing takes were taking there toll. A couple of lost fish, instantly smashed.
Size 20/22 Hares Ear Nymph